Today in the corner shop, i found this lovely new Tango product, called "Tango with added Tango." I wondered what this added ingredient could be, so I excitedly purchased this can, which was 59p for 440ml as opposed to the usual 330ml. When I got back to the office, a colleague and I pondered over what this mystery ingredient could be, then realised what morons we were and that the added Tango was actually the added liquid!!
I thought it was really cool that they were giving extra product for the same price. The design of the can is also slightly different, for the new product they have added a faux warning label, with a helpline to call, like the old Jaffa Cake packets.

They are obviously trying to cater to a specific type of market, like Yorkie bars.
I think its a good thing that customers are getting more for their money in these recession-ary times but i'm not sure if more sugary products is such a good thing!
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